Winton Woods

Winton Woods Riding Center

Winton Woods Riding Center (WWRC) is a year-round horseback riding facility for beginners through advanced riders.

We are mainly a lessons facility, qualified to teach western horsemanship, contesting, natural horsemanship, hunt seat, hunter jump and dressage styles of riding. WWRC offers group, semi-private and private lessons in session format. WWRC guests can also enjoy spring and summer day camps and horse shows.

The facility also provides access to a scenic, linear horse trail that measures 2.6 miles (one way) for public trail riders to bring their own horses and enjoy.


Parky's Farm
10073 Daly Road
Cincinnati, OH 45231

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Open daily 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday & Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Lessons are prescheduled and run year-round Monday-Thursday evenings & Saturday/Sunday daytimes.


Upcoming Events

  • About the Facility

    Established in 1954, the Winton Woods Riding Center (WWRC) in Winton Woods has grown into a regionally renowned lessons facility. The facility boasts approximately 40 horses, three barns, two lit outdoor arenas, an indoor riding hall and a cross country style jump field. The facility is staffed by talented, highly-trained employees, as well as more than 100 hard-working volunteers.

  • Equestrian Team

    The Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA) is a great opportunity for middle and high school students to prepare for collegiate equestrian competitions (IHSA). Since the IEA is structured after the same model as the IHSA program, it gives younger riders a chance to polish their horsemanship and sportsmanship. In IEA there is no need for any rider to own a horse, because competition horses and tack are provided to contestants at each venue. Since the horse is new to the rider, scores are based upon horsemanship and equitation.

    The Great Parks Equestrian Team is aimed at Hunt Seat riders in grades 6–12 who have prior riding experience up to walk, trot and group canter on a variety of horses. For more information on the competition season, team try-outs and eligibility, please contact the Winton Woods Riding Center.

  • Horse Camps

    Designed for children ages 7–17, summer horse camps cover all aspects of horseback riding, including barn safety, breeds, colors and markings, the anatomy of the horse, grooming, tacking, and riding. All camps are very popular and fill quickly. Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until camps fill and/or begin.

    Registration begins January 6, 2025 online or by calling 513-931-3057.

    Horse Camp Calendar & Descriptions

    Horse Camp Release Form

  • Horse Shows

    Outside riders and Winton Woods Riding Center (WWRC) novice level and above students can compete in their chosen discipline during five schooling shows. Points are accumulated for students toward year-end champions in each division. Horse shows take place rain or shine and will move to the indoor arena if necessary.

    2024 Dates:

    • April 21
    • May 19
    • September 15
    • October 20

    $10/class and registration must be at least one week prior to the show.

    Register Online

  • Open Schooling Days

    Open schooling days are special days when you can bring your own horse to Winton Woods Riding Center (WWRC). Use the large indoor riding arena, two outdoor arenas (one of which is set up with stadium jumps) or hilly terrain obstacle course, which can be used for trail class training or just for fun. A cross-country style jump field also gives more advanced riders an opportunity to practice jumps that vary in height from 18" to 2'7".

    Easter - Sunday, March 31, 2024 | 10 am - 3 pm
    Memorial Day - Monday, May 27, 2024 | 10 am - 4 pm
    Independence Day - Thursday, July 4, 2024 | 9 am - 2 pm
    Labor Day - Monday, September 2, 2024 | 9 am - 2 pm

    Register Online

  • Riding Lessons

    Winton Woods Riding Center (WWRC) offers year-round lessons for riders ages 7 and up. Our instructors are qualified to teach an extremely wide variety of disciplines, starting with beginner English and Western. Lessons are offered for more accomplished riders pursuing western horsemanship, contesting, jumping and dressage. We also teach our own, very effective, style of natural horsemanship. 

    Lessons, whether group, semi-private or private, are sold in session format. Students ride one day per week, at a set day and time, for the length of the session. Registrations are accepted starting one month in advance of the lesson start date. Registration must be completed online.

    Spring 2025 Lesson Schedule

    Cost (all lessons are sold in sessions)
    1 hour group lesson: $40

    Register Online

  • Special Riders

    More information to come. 

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